# tinygp **The tiniest of Gaussian Process libraries.** `tinygp` is an extremely lightweight library for building Gaussian Process (GP) models in Python, built on top of [`jax`](https://github.com/google/jax). It has a [nice interface](api-ref), and it's pretty fast (see {ref}`benchmarks`). Thanks to `jax`, `tinygp` supports things like GPU acceleration and automatic differentiation. ```{admonition} How to find your way around? :class: tip 🖥 A good place to get started is with the {ref}`install` and then the {ref}`tutorials`. You might also be interested in the {ref}`motivation` page. 📖 For all the details, check out the {ref}`guide`, including the [full API documentation](api-ref). 💡 If you're running into getting `tinygp` to do what you want, first check out the {ref}`troubleshooting` page, for some general tips and tricks. 🐛 If {ref}`troubleshooting` doesn't solve your problems, or if you find bugs, check out the {ref}`contributing` and then head on over to the [GitHub issues page](https://github.com/dfm/tinygp/issues). 👈 Check out the sidebar to find the full table of contents. ``` ## Table of contents ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 guide tutorials contributing api/index GitHub Repository ``` ## Authors & license Copyright 2021, 2022 Simons Foundation, Inc. Built by [Dan Foreman-Mackey](https://github.com/dfm) and contributors (see [the contribution graph](https://github.com/dfm/tinygp/graphs/contributors) for the most up-to-date list). Licensed under the MIT license (see `LICENSE`).