Source code for tinygp.kernels.quasisep

The kernels implemented in this subpackage are used with the
:class:`tinygp.solvers.QuasisepSolver` to allow scalable GP computations by
exploting quasiseparable structure in the relevant matrices (see
:ref:`api-solvers-quasisep` for more technical details). For now, these methods
are experimental, so you may find the documentation patchy in places. You are
encouraged to `open issues or pull requests
<>`_ as you find gaps.

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any

import equinox as eqx
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp
import numpy as np

from tinygp.helpers import JAXArray
from tinygp.kernels.base import Kernel
from tinygp.solvers.quasisep.core import DiagQSM, StrictLowerTriQSM, SymmQSM
from tinygp.solvers.quasisep.general import GeneralQSM

[docs] class Quasisep(Kernel): """The base class for all quasiseparable kernels Instead of directly implementing the ``p``, ``q``, and ``a`` elements of the :class:`tinygp.solvers.quasisep.core.StrictLowerQSM`, this class implements ``h``, ``Pinf``, and ``A``, where: - ``q = h``, - ``p = h.T @ Pinf @ A``, and - ``a = A``. This notation follows the notation from state space models for stochastic differential equations, and so far it seems like a good way to specify these models, but these details are subject to change in future versions of ``tinygp``. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: """The design matrix for the process""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: """The stationary covariance of the process""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """The observation model for the process""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """The transition matrix between two coordinates""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def coord_to_sortable(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """A helper function used to convert coordinates to sortable 1-D values By default, this is the identity, but in cases where ``X`` is structured (e.g. multivariate inputs), this can be used to appropriately unwrap that structure. """ return X
[docs] def to_symm_qsm(self, X: JAXArray) -> SymmQSM: """The symmetric quasiseparable representation of this kernel""" Pinf = self.stationary_covariance() a = jax.vmap(self.transition_matrix)( jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: jnp.append(y[0], y[:-1]), X), X ) h = jax.vmap(self.observation_model)(X) q = h p = h @ Pinf d = jnp.sum(p * q, axis=1) p = jax.vmap(, a) return SymmQSM(diag=DiagQSM(d=d), lower=StrictLowerTriQSM(p=p, q=q, a=a))
[docs] def to_general_qsm(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> GeneralQSM: """The generalized quasiseparable representation of this kernel""" sortable = jax.vmap(self.coord_to_sortable) idx = jnp.searchsorted(sortable(X2), sortable(X1), side="right") - 1 Xs = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.append(x[0], x[:-1]), X2) Pinf = self.stationary_covariance() a = jax.vmap(self.transition_matrix)(Xs, X2) h1 = jax.vmap(self.observation_model)(X1) h2 = jax.vmap(self.observation_model)(X2) ql = h2 pl = h1 @ Pinf qu = h1 pu = h2 @ Pinf i = jnp.clip(idx, 0, ql.shape[0] - 1) Xi = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.asarray(x)[i], X2) pl = jax.vmap(, jax.vmap(self.transition_matrix)(Xi, X1)) i = jnp.clip(idx + 1, 0, pu.shape[0] - 1) Xi = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.asarray(x)[i], X2) qu = jax.vmap(, Xi), qu) return GeneralQSM(pl=pl, ql=ql, pu=pu, qu=qu, a=a, idx=idx)
def matmul( self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray | None = None, y: JAXArray | None = None, ) -> JAXArray: if y is None: assert X2 is not None y = X2 X2 = None if X2 is None: return self.to_symm_qsm(X1) @ y else: return self.to_general_qsm(X1, X2) @ y def __add__(self, other: Kernel | JAXArray) -> Kernel: if not isinstance(other, Quasisep): raise ValueError( "Quasisep kernels can only be added to other Quasisep kernels" ) return Sum(self, other) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> Kernel: # We'll hit this first branch when using the `sum` function if other == 0: return self if not isinstance(other, Quasisep): raise ValueError( "Quasisep kernels can only be added to other Quasisep kernels" ) return Sum(other, self) def __mul__(self, other: Kernel | JAXArray) -> Kernel: if isinstance(other, Quasisep): return Product(self, other) if isinstance(other, Kernel) or jnp.ndim(other) != 0: raise ValueError( "Quasisep kernels can only be multiplied by scalars and other " "Quasisep kernels" ) return Scale(kernel=self, scale=other) def __rmul__(self, other: Any) -> Kernel: if isinstance(other, Quasisep): return Product(other, self) if isinstance(other, Kernel) or jnp.ndim(other) != 0: raise ValueError( "Quasisep kernels can only be multiplied by scalars and other " "Quasisep kernels" ) return Scale(kernel=self, scale=other)
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """The kernel evaluated via the quasiseparable representation""" Pinf = self.stationary_covariance() h1 = self.observation_model(X1) h2 = self.observation_model(X2) return jnp.where( self.coord_to_sortable(X1) < self.coord_to_sortable(X2), h2 @ Pinf @ self.transition_matrix(X1, X2) @ h1, h1 @ Pinf @ self.transition_matrix(X2, X1) @ h2, )
[docs] def evaluate_diag(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """For quasiseparable kernels, the variance is simple to compute""" h = self.observation_model(X) return h @ self.stationary_covariance() @ h
[docs] class Wrapper(Quasisep): """A base class for wrapping kernels with some custom implementations""" kernel: Quasisep
[docs] def coord_to_sortable(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel.coord_to_sortable(X)
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel.design_matrix()
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel.stationary_covariance()
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel.observation_model(self.coord_to_sortable(X))
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel.transition_matrix( self.coord_to_sortable(X1), self.coord_to_sortable(X2) )
[docs] class Sum(Quasisep): """A helper to represent the sum of two quasiseparable kernels""" kernel1: Quasisep kernel2: Quasisep
[docs] def coord_to_sortable(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """We assume that both kernels use the same coordinates""" return self.kernel1.coord_to_sortable(X)
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: return jsp.linalg.block_diag( self.kernel1.design_matrix(), self.kernel2.design_matrix() )
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return jsp.linalg.block_diag( self.kernel1.stationary_covariance(), self.kernel2.stationary_covariance(), )
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return jnp.concatenate( ( self.kernel1.observation_model(X), self.kernel2.observation_model(X), ) )
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return jsp.linalg.block_diag( self.kernel1.transition_matrix(X1, X2), self.kernel2.transition_matrix(X1, X2), )
[docs] class Product(Quasisep): """A helper to represent the product of two quasiseparable kernels""" kernel1: Quasisep kernel2: Quasisep
[docs] def coord_to_sortable(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """We assume that both kernels use the same coordinates""" return self.kernel1.coord_to_sortable(X)
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: F1 = self.kernel1.design_matrix() F2 = self.kernel2.design_matrix() return _prod_helper(F1, jnp.eye(F2.shape[0])) + _prod_helper( jnp.eye(F1.shape[0]), F2 )
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return _prod_helper( self.kernel1.stationary_covariance(), self.kernel2.stationary_covariance(), )
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return _prod_helper( self.kernel1.observation_model(X), self.kernel2.observation_model(X), )
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return _prod_helper( self.kernel1.transition_matrix(X1, X2), self.kernel2.transition_matrix(X1, X2), )
[docs] class Scale(Wrapper): """The product of a scalar and a quasiseparable kernel""" scale: JAXArray | float
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return self.scale * self.kernel.stationary_covariance()
[docs] class Celerite(Quasisep): r"""The baseline kernel from the ``celerite`` package This form of the kernel was introduced by `Foreman-Mackey et al. (2017) <>`_, and implemented in the `celerite <>`_ package. It shouldn't generally be used on its own, and other kernels described in this subpackage should generally be preferred. This kernel takes the form: .. math:: k(\tau)=\exp(-c\,\tau)\,\left[a\,\cos(d\,\tau)+b\,\sin(d\,\tau)\right] for :math:`\tau = |x_i - x_j|`. In order to be positive definite, the parameters of this kernel must satisfy :math:`a\,c - b\,d > 0`, and you will see NaNs if you use parameters that don't satisfy this relationship. """ a: JAXArray | float b: JAXArray | float c: JAXArray | float d: JAXArray | float
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.array([[-self.c, -self.d], [self.d, -self.c]])
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: c = self.c d = self.d return jnp.array( [ [1, -c / d], [-c / d, 1 + 2 * jnp.square(c) / jnp.square(d)], ] )
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: del X a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c d = self.d c2 = jnp.square(c) d2 = jnp.square(d) s2 = c2 + d2 h2_2 = d2 * (a * c - b * d) / (2 * c * s2) h2 = jnp.sqrt(h2_2) h1 = (c * h2 - jnp.sqrt(a * d2 - s2 * h2_2)) / d return jnp.array([h1, h2])
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 cos = jnp.cos(self.d * dt) sin = jnp.sin(self.d * dt) return jnp.exp(-self.c * dt) * jnp.array([[cos, -sin], [sin, cos]]).T
[docs] class SHO(Quasisep): r"""The damped, driven simple harmonic oscillator kernel This form of the kernel was introduced by `Foreman-Mackey et al. (2017) <>`_, and it takes the form: .. math:: k(\tau) = \sigma^2\,\exp\left(-\frac{\omega\,\tau}{2\,Q}\right) \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1 + \omega\,\tau & \mbox{for } Q = 1/2 \\ \cosh(f\,\omega\,\tau/2\,Q) + \sinh(f\,\omega\,\tau/2\,Q)/f & \mbox{for } Q < 1/2 \\ \cos(g\,\omega\,\tau/2\,Q) + \sin(g\,\omega\,\tau/2\,Q)/g & \mbox{for } Q > 1/2 \end{array}\right. for :math:`\tau = |x_i - x_j|`, :math:`f = \sqrt{1 - 4\,Q^2}`, and :math:`g = \sqrt{4\,Q^2 - 1}`. Args: omega: The parameter :math:`\omega`. quality: The parameter :math:`Q`. sigma (optional): The parameter :math:`\sigma`. Defaults to a value of 1. Specifying the explicit value here provides a slight performance boost compared to independently multiplying the kernel with a prefactor. """ omega: JAXArray | float quality: JAXArray | float sigma: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.ones(()))
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.array( [[0, 1], [-jnp.square(, / self.quality]] )
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.diag(jnp.array([1, jnp.square(]))
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: del X return jnp.array([self.sigma, 0])
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 w = q = self.quality def critical(dt: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return jnp.exp(-w * dt) * jnp.array( [[1 + w * dt, -jnp.square(w) * dt], [dt, 1 - w * dt]] ) def underdamped(dt: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: f = jnp.sqrt(jnp.maximum(4 * jnp.square(q) - 1, 0)) arg = 0.5 * f * w * dt / q sin = jnp.sin(arg) cos = jnp.cos(arg) return jnp.exp(-0.5 * w * dt / q) * jnp.array( [ [cos + sin / f, -2 * q * w * sin / f], [2 * q * sin / (w * f), cos - sin / f], ] ) def overdamped(dt: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: f = jnp.sqrt(jnp.maximum(1 - 4 * jnp.square(q), 0)) arg = 0.5 * f * w * dt / q sinh = jnp.sinh(arg) cosh = jnp.cosh(arg) return jnp.exp(-0.5 * w * dt / q) * jnp.array( [ [cosh + sinh / f, -2 * q * w * sinh / f], [2 * q * sinh / (w * f), cosh - sinh / f], ] ) return jax.lax.cond( jnp.allclose(q, 0.5), critical, lambda dt: jax.lax.cond(q > 0.5, underdamped, overdamped, dt), dt, )
[docs] class Exp(Quasisep): r"""A scalable implementation of :class:`tinygp.kernels.stationary.Exp` This kernel takes the form: .. math:: k(\tau)=\sigma^2\,\exp\left(-\frac{\tau}{\ell}\right) for :math:`\tau = |x_i - x_j|`. Args: scale: The parameter :math:`\ell`. sigma (optional): The parameter :math:`\sigma`. Defaults to a value of 1. Specifying the explicit value here provides a slight performance boost compared to independently multiplying the kernel with a prefactor. """ scale: JAXArray | float sigma: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.ones(()))
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.array([[-1 / self.scale]])
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.ones((1, 1))
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: del X return jnp.array([self.sigma])
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 return jnp.exp(-dt[None, None] / self.scale)
[docs] class Matern32(Quasisep): r"""A scalable implementation of :class:`tinygp.kernels.stationary.Matern32` This kernel takes the form: .. math:: k(\tau)=\sigma^2\,\left(1+f\,\tau\right)\,\exp(-f\,\tau) for :math:`\tau = |x_i - x_j|` and :math:`f = \sqrt{3} / \ell`. Args: scale: The parameter :math:`\ell`. sigma (optional): The parameter :math:`\sigma`. Defaults to a value of 1. Specifying the explicit value here provides a slight performance boost compared to independently multiplying the kernel with a prefactor. """ scale: JAXArray | float sigma: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.ones(())) def noise(self) -> JAXArray: f = np.sqrt(3) / self.scale return 4 * f**3
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: f = np.sqrt(3) / self.scale return jnp.array([[0, 1], [-jnp.square(f), -2 * f]])
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.diag(jnp.array([1, 3 / jnp.square(self.scale)]))
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return jnp.array([self.sigma, 0])
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 f = np.sqrt(3) / self.scale return jnp.exp(-f * dt) * jnp.array( [[1 + f * dt, -jnp.square(f) * dt], [dt, 1 - f * dt]] )
[docs] class Matern52(Quasisep): r"""A scalable implementation of :class:`tinygp.kernels.stationary.Matern52` This kernel takes the form: .. math:: k(\tau)=\sigma^2\,\left(1+f\,\tau + \frac{f^2\,\tau^2}{3}\right) \,\exp(-f\,\tau) for :math:`\tau = |x_i - x_j|` and :math:`f = \sqrt{5} / \ell`. Args: scale: The parameter :math:`\ell`. sigma (optional): The parameter :math:`\sigma`. Defaults to a value of 1. Specifying the explicit value here provides a slight performance boost compared to independently multiplying the kernel with a prefactor. """ scale: JAXArray | float sigma: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.ones(()))
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: f = np.sqrt(5) / self.scale f2 = jnp.square(f) return jnp.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [-f2 * f, -3 * f2, -3 * f]])
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: f = np.sqrt(5) / self.scale f2 = jnp.square(f) f2o3 = f2 / 3 return jnp.array([[1, 0, -f2o3], [0, f2o3, 0], [-f2o3, 0, jnp.square(f2)]])
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: del X return jnp.array([self.sigma, 0, 0])
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 f = np.sqrt(5) / self.scale f2 = jnp.square(f) d2 = jnp.square(dt) return jnp.exp(-f * dt) * jnp.array( [ [ 0.5 * f2 * d2 + f * dt + 1, -0.5 * f * f2 * d2, 0.5 * f2 * f * dt * (f * dt - 2), ], [ dt * (f * dt + 1), -f2 * d2 + f * dt + 1, f2 * dt * (f * dt - 3), ], [ 0.5 * d2, 0.5 * dt * (2 - f * dt), 0.5 * f2 * d2 - 2 * f * dt + 1, ], ] )
[docs] class Cosine(Quasisep): r"""A scalable implementation of :class:`tinygp.kernels.stationary.Cosine` This kernel takes the form: .. math:: k(\tau)=\sigma^2\,\cos(-2\,\pi\,\tau/\ell) for :math:`\tau = |x_i - x_j|`. Args: scale: The parameter :math:`\ell`. sigma (optional): The parameter :math:`\sigma`. Defaults to a value of 1. Specifying the explicit value here provides a slight performance boost compared to independently multiplying the kernel with a prefactor. """ scale: JAXArray | float sigma: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.ones(()))
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: f = 2 * np.pi / self.scale return jnp.array([[0, -f], [f, 0]])
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.eye(2)
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return jnp.array([self.sigma, 0])
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 f = 2 * np.pi / self.scale cos = jnp.cos(f * dt) sin = jnp.sin(f * dt) return jnp.array([[cos, sin], [-sin, cos]])
def _prod_helper(a1: JAXArray, a2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(a1.shape[0]), np.arange(a2.shape[0])) i = i.flatten() j = j.flatten() if a1.ndim == 1: return a1[i] * a2[j] elif a1.ndim == 2: return a1[i[:, None], i[None, :]] * a2[j[:, None], j[None, :]] else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class CARMA(Quasisep): r"""A continuous-time autoregressive moving average (CARMA) process kernel This process has the power spectrum density (PSD) .. math:: P(\omega) = \sigma^2\,\frac{|\sum_{q} \beta_q\,(i\,\omega)^q|^2}{|\sum_{p} \alpha_p\,(i\,\omega)^p|^2} defined following Equation 1 in `Kelly et al. (2014) <>`_, where :math:`\alpha_p` and :math:`\beta_0` are set to 1. In this implementation, we absorb :math:`\sigma` into the definition of :math:`\beta` parameters. That is :math:`\beta_{new}` = :math:`\beta * \sigma`. .. note:: To construct a stationary CARMA kernel/process, the roots of the characteristic polynomials for Equation 1 in `Kelly et al. (2014)` must have negative real parts. This condition can be met automatically by requiring positive input parameters when instantiating the kernel using the :func:`init` method for CARMA(1,0), CARMA(2,0), and CARMA(2,1) models or by requiring positive input parameters when instantiating the kernel using the :func:`from_quads` method. .. note:: Implementation details The logic behind this implementation is simple---finding the correct combination of real/complex exponential kernels that resembles the autocovariance function of the CARMA model. Note that the order also matters. This task is achieved using the `acvf` method. Then the rest is copied from the `Exp` and `Celerite` kernel. Given the requirement of negative roots for stationarity, the `from_quads` method is implemented to facilitate consturcting stationary higher-order CARMA models beyond CARMA(2,1). The inputs for `from_quads` are the coefficients of the quadratic equations factorized out of the full characteristic polynomial. `poly2quads` is used to factorize a polynomial into a product of said quadractic equations, and `quads2poly` is used for the reverse process. One last trick is the use of `_real_mask`, `_complex_mask`, and `complex_select`, which are arrays of 0s and 1s. They are implemented to avoid control flows. More specifically, some intermediate quantities are computed regardless, but are only used if there is a matching real or complex exponential kernel for the specific CARMA kernel. Args: alpha: The parameter :math:`\alpha` in the definition above, exlcuding :math:`\alpha_p`. This should be an array of length `p`. beta: The product of parameters :math:`\beta` and parameter :math:`\sigma` in the definition above. This should be an array of length `q+1`, where `q+1 <= p`. """ alpha: JAXArray beta: JAXArray sigma: JAXArray arroots: JAXArray acf: JAXArray _real_mask: JAXArray _complex_mask: JAXArray _complex_select: JAXArray obsmodel: JAXArray def __init__(self, alpha: Any, beta: Any): sigma = jnp.ones(()) alpha = jnp.atleast_1d(jnp.asarray(alpha)) beta = jnp.atleast_1d(jnp.asarray(beta)) assert alpha.ndim == 1 assert beta.ndim == 1 p = alpha.shape[0] assert beta.shape[0] <= p # Find acvf using Eqn. 4 in Kelly+14, giving the correct combination of # real/complex exponential kernels arroots = carma_roots(jnp.append(alpha, 1.0)) acf = carma_acvf(arroots, alpha, beta * sigma) # Mask for real/complex exponential kernels _real_mask = jnp.abs(arroots.imag) < 10 * jnp.finfo(arroots.imag.dtype).eps _complex_mask = ~_real_mask complex_idx = jnp.cumsum(_complex_mask) * _complex_mask _complex_select = _complex_mask * complex_idx % 2 # Construct the obsservation model => real + complex om_real = jnp.sqrt(jnp.abs(acf.real)) a, b, c, d = ( 2 * acf.real, 2 * acf.imag, -arroots.real, -arroots.imag, ) c2 = jnp.square(c) d2 = jnp.square(d) s2 = c2 + d2 denom = jnp.where(_real_mask, 1.0, 2 * c * s2) h2_2 = d2 * (a * c - b * d) / denom h2 = jnp.sqrt(h2_2) denom = jnp.where(_real_mask, 1.0, d) h1 = (c * h2 - jnp.sqrt(a * d2 - s2 * h2_2)) / denom om_complex = jnp.array([h1, h2]) # for complex roots, every conjugate pair match one full celerite term, # so, every other entry from om_complex is used. # same logic as for _complex_select self.obsmodel = jnp.where(_real_mask, om_real, jnp.ravel(om_complex)[::2]) self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.sigma = sigma self.arroots = arroots self.acf = acf self._real_mask = _real_mask self._complex_mask = _complex_mask self._complex_select = _complex_select @classmethod def init(cls, alpha: JAXArray, beta: JAXArray) -> CARMA: return cls(alpha, beta)
[docs] @classmethod def from_quads( cls, alpha_quads: JAXArray, beta_quads: JAXArray, beta_mult: JAXArray ) -> CARMA: r"""Construct a CARMA kernel using the roots of its characteristic polynomials The roots can be parameterized as the 0th and 1st order coefficients of a set of quadratic equations (2nd order coefficient equals 1). The product of those quadratic equations gives the characteristic polynomials of CARMA. The input of this method are said coefficients of the quadratic equations. See Equation 30 in `Kelly et al. (2014) <>`_. for more detail. Args: alpha_quads: Coefficients of the auto-regressive (AR) quadratic equations corresponding to the :math:`\alpha` parameters. This should be an array of length `p`. beta_quads: Coefficients of the moving-average (MA) quadratic equations corresponding to the :math:`\beta` parameters. This should be an array of length `q`. beta_mult: A multiplier of the MA coefficients, equivalent to :math:`\beta_q`---the last entry of the :math:`\beta` parameters input to the :func:`init` method. """ alpha_quads = jnp.atleast_1d(alpha_quads) beta_quads = jnp.atleast_1d(beta_quads) beta_mult = jnp.atleast_1d(beta_mult) alpha = carma_quads2poly(jnp.append(alpha_quads, jnp.array([1.0])))[:-1] beta = carma_quads2poly(jnp.append(beta_quads, beta_mult)) return cls(alpha, beta)
[docs] def design_matrix(self) -> JAXArray: # for real exponential components dm_real = jnp.diag(self.arroots.real * self._real_mask) # for complex exponential components dm_complex_diag = jnp.diag(self.arroots.real * self._complex_mask) # upper triangle entries dm_complex_u = jnp.diag((self.arroots.imag * self._complex_select)[:-1], k=1) return dm_real + dm_complex_diag + -dm_complex_u.T + dm_complex_u
[docs] def stationary_covariance(self) -> JAXArray: p = self.acf.shape[0] # for real exponential components diag = jnp.diag(jnp.where(self.acf.real > 0, jnp.ones(p), -jnp.ones(p))) # for complex exponential components denom = jnp.where(self._real_mask, 1.0, self.arroots.imag) diag_complex = jnp.diag( 2 * jnp.square( self.arroots.real / denom * jnp.roll(self._complex_select, 1) * self._complex_mask ) ) c_over_d = self.arroots.real / denom # upper triangular entries sc_complex_u = jnp.diag((-c_over_d * self._complex_select)[:-1], k=1) return diag + diag_complex + sc_complex_u + sc_complex_u.T
[docs] def observation_model(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: del X return self.obsmodel
[docs] def transition_matrix(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: dt = X2 - X1 c = -self.arroots.real d = -self.arroots.imag decay = jnp.exp(-c * dt) sin = jnp.sin(d * dt) tm_real = jnp.diag(decay * self._real_mask) tm_complex_diag = jnp.diag(decay * jnp.cos(d * dt) * self._complex_mask) tm_complex_u = jnp.diag( (decay * sin * self._complex_select)[:-1], k=1, ) return tm_real + tm_complex_diag + -tm_complex_u.T + tm_complex_u
@jax.jit def carma_roots(poly_coeffs: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: roots = jnp.roots(poly_coeffs[::-1], strip_zeros=False) return roots[jnp.argsort(roots.real)] @jax.jit def carma_quads2poly(quads_coeffs: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """Expand a product of quadractic equations into a polynomial Args: quads_coeffs: The 0th and 1st order coefficients of the quadractic equations. The last entry is a multiplier, which corresponds to the coefficient of the highest order term in the output full polynomial. Returns: Coefficients of the full polynomial. The first entry corresponds to the lowest order term. """ size = quads_coeffs.shape[0] - 1 remain = size % 2 nPair = size // 2 mult_f = quads_coeffs[-1:] # The coeff of highest order term in the output poly = jax.lax.cond( remain == 1, lambda x: jnp.array([1.0, x]), lambda _: jnp.array([0.0, 1.0]), quads_coeffs[-2], ) poly = poly[-remain + 1 :] for p in jnp.arange(nPair): poly = jnp.convolve( poly, jnp.append( jnp.array([quads_coeffs[p * 2], quads_coeffs[p * 2 + 1]]), jnp.ones((1,)), )[::-1], ) # the returned is low->high following Kelly+14 return poly[::-1] * mult_f def carma_poly2quads(poly_coeffs: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """Factorize a polynomial into a product of quadratic equations Args: poly_coeffs: Coefficients of the input characteristic polynomial. The first entry corresponds to the lowest order term. Returns: The 0th and 1st order coefficients of the quadractic equations. The last entry is a multiplier, which corresponds to the coefficient of the highest order term in the full polynomial. """ quads = jnp.empty(0) mult_f = poly_coeffs[-1] roots = carma_roots(poly_coeffs / mult_f) odd = bool(len(roots) & 0x1) rootsComp = roots[roots.imag != 0] rootsReal = roots[roots.imag == 0] nCompPair = len(rootsComp) // 2 nRealPair = len(rootsReal) // 2 for i in range(nCompPair): root1 = rootsComp[i] root2 = rootsComp[i + 1] quads = jnp.append(quads, (root1 * root2).real) quads = jnp.append(quads, -(root1.real + root2.real)) for i in range(nRealPair): root1 = rootsReal[i] root2 = rootsReal[i + 1] quads = jnp.append(quads, (root1 * root2).real) quads = jnp.append(quads, -(root1.real + root2.real)) if odd: quads = jnp.append(quads, -rootsReal[-1].real) return jnp.append(quads, jnp.array(mult_f)) def carma_acvf(arroots: JAXArray, arparam: JAXArray, maparam: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: r"""Compute the coefficients of the autocovariance function (ACVF) Args: arroots: The roots of the autoregressive characteristic polynomial. arparam: :math:`\alpha` parameters maparam: :math:`\beta` parameters Returns: ACVF coefficients, each entry corresponds to one root. """ from jax._src import dtypes # type: ignore arparam = jnp.atleast_1d(arparam) maparam = jnp.atleast_1d(maparam) complex_dtype = dtypes.to_complex_dtype(arparam.dtype) p = arparam.shape[0] q = maparam.shape[0] - 1 sigma = maparam[0] # normalize beta_0 to 1 maparam = maparam / sigma # init acf product terms num_left = jnp.zeros(p, dtype=complex_dtype) num_right = jnp.zeros(p, dtype=complex_dtype) denom = -2 * arroots.real + jnp.zeros_like(arroots) * 1j for k in range(q + 1): num_left += maparam[k] * jnp.power(arroots, k) num_right += maparam[k] * jnp.power(jnp.negative(arroots), k) root_idx = jnp.arange(p) for j in range(1, p): root_k = arroots[jnp.roll(root_idx, j)] denom *= (root_k - arroots) * (jnp.conj(root_k) + arroots) return sigma**2 * num_left * num_right / denom