Source code for tinygp.kernels.base

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from abc import abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Union

import equinox as eqx
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from tinygp.helpers import JAXArray

    from tinygp.solvers.solver import Solver

Axis = Union[int, Sequence[int]]

[docs] class Kernel(eqx.Module): """The base class for all kernel implementations This subclass provides default implementations to add and multiply kernels. Subclasses should accept parameters in their ``__init__`` and then override :func:`Kernel.evaluate` with custom behavior. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """Evaluate the kernel at a pair of input coordinates This should be overridden be subclasses to return the kernel-specific value. Two things to note: 1. Users shouldn't generally call :func:`Kernel.evaluate`. Instead, always "call" the kernel instance directly; for example, you can evaluate the Matern-3/2 kernel using ``Matern32(1.5)(x1, x2)``, for arrays of input coordinates ``x1`` and ``x2``. 2. When implementing a custom kernel, this method should treat ``X1`` and ``X2`` as single datapoints. In other words, these inputs will typically either be scalars of have shape ``n_dim``, where ``n_dim`` is the number of input dimensions, rather than ``n_data`` or ``(n_data, n_dim)``, and you should let the :class:`Kernel` ``vmap`` magic handle all the broadcasting for you. """ del X1, X2 raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate_diag(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: """Evaluate the kernel on its diagonal The default implementation simply calls :func:`Kernel.evaluate` with ``X`` as both arguments, but subclasses can use this to make diagonal calcuations more efficient. """ return self.evaluate(X, X)
def matmul( self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray | None = None, y: JAXArray | None = None, ) -> JAXArray: if y is None: assert X2 is not None y = X2 X2 = None if X2 is None: X2 = X1 return, X2), y) def __call__(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray | None = None) -> JAXArray: if X2 is None: k = jax.vmap(self.evaluate_diag, in_axes=0)(X1) if k.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "Invalid kernel diagonal shape: " f"expected ndim = 1, got ndim={k.ndim} " "check the dimensions of parameters and custom kernels" ) return k k = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(self.evaluate, in_axes=(None, 0)), in_axes=(0, None))( X1, X2 ) if k.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "Invalid kernel shape: " f"expected ndim = 2, got ndim={k.ndim} " "check the dimensions of parameters and custom kernels" ) return k def __add__(self, other: Kernel | JAXArray) -> Kernel: if isinstance(other, Kernel): return Sum(self, other) return Sum(self, Constant(other)) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> Kernel: # We'll hit this first branch when using the `sum` function if other == 0: return self if isinstance(other, Kernel): return Sum(other, self) return Sum(Constant(other), self) def __mul__(self, other: Kernel | JAXArray) -> Kernel: if isinstance(other, Kernel): return Product(self, other) return Product(self, Constant(other)) def __rmul__(self, other: Any) -> Kernel: if isinstance(other, Kernel): return Product(other, self) return Product(Constant(other), self)
[docs] class Conditioned(Kernel): """A kernel used when conditioning a process on data Args: X: The coordinates of the data. scale_tril: The lower Cholesky factor of the base process' kernel matrix. kernel: The predictive kerenl; this will generally be the kernel from the kernel used by the original process. """ X: JAXArray solver: Solver kernel: Kernel
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: kernel_vec = jax.vmap(self.kernel.evaluate, in_axes=(0, None)) K1 = self.solver.solve_triangular(kernel_vec(self.X, X1)) K2 = self.solver.solve_triangular(kernel_vec(self.X, X2)) return self.kernel.evaluate(X1, X2) - K1.transpose() @ K2
[docs] def evaluate_diag(self, X: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: kernel_vec = jax.vmap(self.kernel.evaluate, in_axes=(0, None)) K = self.solver.solve_triangular(kernel_vec(self.X, X)) return self.kernel.evaluate_diag(X) - K.transpose() @ K
[docs] class Custom(Kernel): """A custom kernel class implemented as a callable Args: function: A callable with a signature and behavior that matches :func:`Kernel.evaluate`. """ function: Callable[[Any, Any], Any] = eqx.field(static=True)
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.function(X1, X2)
[docs] class Sum(Kernel): """A helper to represent the sum of two kernels""" kernel1: Kernel kernel2: Kernel
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel1.evaluate(X1, X2) + self.kernel2.evaluate(X1, X2)
[docs] class Product(Kernel): """A helper to represent the product of two kernels""" kernel1: Kernel kernel2: Kernel
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.kernel1.evaluate(X1, X2) * self.kernel2.evaluate(X1, X2)
[docs] class Constant(Kernel): r"""This kernel returns the constant .. math:: k(\mathbf{x}_i,\,\mathbf{x}_j) = c where :math:`c` is a parameter. Args: c: The parameter :math:`c` in the above equation. """ value: JAXArray | float
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: del X1, X2 if jnp.ndim(self.value) != 0: raise ValueError("The value of a constant kernel must be a scalar") return jnp.asarray(self.value)
[docs] class DotProduct(Kernel): r"""The dot product kernel .. math:: k(\mathbf{x}_i,\,\mathbf{x}_j) = \mathbf{x}_i \cdot \mathbf{x}_j with no parameters. """
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: if jnp.ndim(X1) == 0: return X1 * X2 return X1 @ X2
[docs] class Polynomial(Kernel): r"""A polynomial kernel .. math:: k(\mathbf{x}_i,\,\mathbf{x}_j) = [(\mathbf{x}_i / \ell) \cdot (\mathbf{x}_j / \ell) + \sigma^2]^P Args: order: The power :math:`P`. scale: The parameter :math:`\ell`. sigma: The parameter :math:`\sigma`. """ order: JAXArray | float scale: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.ones(())) sigma: JAXArray | float = eqx.field(default_factory=lambda: jnp.zeros(()))
[docs] def evaluate(self, X1: JAXArray, X2: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return ( (X1 / self.scale) @ (X2 / self.scale) + jnp.square(self.sigma) ) ** self.order