Source code for tinygp.noise

This subpackage provides the tools needed to build expressive observation
processes for ``tinygp`` Gaussian process models. The most commonly used noise
model is :class:`Diagonal`, which adds a constant diagonal matrix to the process
covariance to represent per-observation noise. This subpackage also includes a
:class:`Dense` model for adding a full rank observation model, and
:class:`Banded` to capture noise that can be represented by a banded matrix.

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["Diagonal", "Dense", "Banded"]

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from tinygp.helpers import JAXArray

    from tinygp.solvers.quasisep.core import DiagQSM, SymmQSM

class Noise(eqx.Module):
    """An abstract base class defining the noise model protocol"""

    __array_priority__ = 2001

    def diagonal(self) -> JAXArray:
        """The diagonal elements of the noise model as an array"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __add__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __radd__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __matmul__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_qsm(self) -> SymmQSM | DiagQSM:
        """This noise model represented as a quasiseparable matrix"""
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs] class Diagonal(Noise): """A diagonal observation noise model This represents the observation model using per-observation measurement variances. Args: diag: The diagonal elements of the noise model. """ diag: JAXArray def __check_init__(self) -> None: if jnp.ndim(self.diag) != 1: raise ValueError( "The diagonal for the noise model be the same shape as the data; " "if passing a constant, it should be broadcasted first" )
[docs] def diagonal(self) -> JAXArray: return self.diag
def _add(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return jnp.asarray(other).at[jnp.diag_indices(other.shape[0])].add(self.diag) def __add__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self._add(other) def __radd__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self._add(other) def __matmul__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: if jnp.ndim(other) == 1: return self.diag * other else: return self.diag[:, None] * other
[docs] def to_qsm(self) -> DiagQSM: from tinygp.solvers.quasisep.core import DiagQSM return DiagQSM(d=self.diag)
[docs] class Dense(Noise): """A full rank observation noise model .. warning:: This model cannot be used in conjunction with the :class:`tinygp.solvers.QuasisepSolver` for scalable computations. Args: value: The N-by-N full rank observation model. """ value: JAXArray
[docs] def diagonal(self) -> JAXArray: return jnp.diag(self.value)
def __add__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.value + other def __radd__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return other + self.value def __matmul__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.value @ other
[docs] def to_qsm(self) -> SymmQSM | DiagQSM: """This cannot be compactly represented as a quasiseparable matrix""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Banded(Noise): r"""A banded observation noise model This model captures noise that can be represented by a small number of off-diagonal elements in the observation matrix. One practical example of such an observation model is discussed by `Delisle et al. (2020) <>`_. This matrix is defined by two arrays: ``diag`` and ``off_diags``, with shapes ``(N,)`` and ``(N, J)`` respectively, where ``N`` is the number of data points and ``J`` is the number of non-zero off-diagonals required. For example, the following matrix has ``N = 4`` and ``J = 2``: .. math:: N = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} n_{11} & n_{12} & n_{13} & 0 \\ n_{12} & n_{22} & n_{23} & n_{24} \\ n_{13} & n_{23} & n_{33} & n_{34} \\ 0 & n_{24} & n_{34} & n_{44} \end{array}\right) and it would be represented by the following arrays: .. code-block:: python diag = [n11, n22, n33, n44] and .. code-block:: python off_diags = [ [n12, n13], [n23, n24], [n34, * ], [ *, * ], ] Where ``*`` represents an element that can have any arbitrary value, since it won't ever be accessed. """ diag: JAXArray off_diags: JAXArray
[docs] def diagonal(self) -> JAXArray: return self.diag
def _indices( self, ) -> tuple[tuple[JAXArray, JAXArray], tuple[JAXArray, JAXArray]]: N, J = jnp.shape(self.off_diags) sparse_idx_1 = [] sparse_idx_2 = [] dense_idx_1 = [] dense_idx_2 = [] for j in range(J): sparse_idx_1.append(np.arange(N - j - 1)) sparse_idx_2.append(np.full(N - j - 1, j, dtype=int)) dense_idx_1.append(np.arange(0, N - j - 1)) dense_idx_2.append(np.arange(j + 1, N)) return ( (np.concatenate(sparse_idx_1), np.concatenate(sparse_idx_2)), (np.concatenate(dense_idx_1), np.concatenate(dense_idx_2)), ) def _add(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: sparse_idx, dense_idx = self._indices() # Start by adding the diagonal result = jnp.asarray(other).at[jnp.diag_indices(other.shape[0])].add(self.diag) # Then the off diagonals, assuming symmetric return[ ( np.append(dense_idx[0], dense_idx[1]), np.append(dense_idx[1], dense_idx[0]), ) ].add( self.off_diags[ ( np.append(sparse_idx[0], sparse_idx[0]), np.append(sparse_idx[1], sparse_idx[1]), ) ] ) def __add__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self._add(other) def __radd__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self._add(other) def __matmul__(self, other: JAXArray) -> JAXArray: return self.to_qsm() @ other
[docs] def to_qsm(self) -> SymmQSM: from tinygp.solvers.quasisep import core N, J = jnp.shape(self.off_diags) p = jnp.repeat(jnp.eye(1, J), N, axis=0) q = self.off_diags a = jnp.repeat(jnp.eye(J, k=1)[None], N, axis=0) return core.SymmQSM( diag=core.DiagQSM(d=self.diag), lower=core.StrictLowerTriQSM(p=p, q=q, a=a), )